31 January, 2009

Prayer of Jabez

P r a y e r o f J a b e zMonday, August 20th, 2007
The Prayer Of Jabez - Part One
Jabez prayed a four-part prayer that changed his entire life! Listen, ‘Oh that Thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that Thine hand might be with me, and that Thou wouldest keep me from evil’ (1 Chron 4:10).
Let’s look at part one:’Oh that Thou wouldest bless me indeed.’ Some people think God’s blessings just drop into our lap without any faith or effort on our part, or that it’s wrong to ask for them, or that He’s upset when you do. Yet His Word says that: (a) His blessings bring wealth (Prov 10:22) (b) He delights in seeing us succeed (Ps 35:27) (c) He teaches us how to profit (Isa 48:17) (d) He multiplies what we invest (2 Cor 9:6) (e) He gives us things to enjoy (1Tim 6:17).In his book, The Prayer of Jabez, Bruce Wilkinson points out that we need a new definition of the word ‘bless.’ It’s not just something we say over our food or when somebody sneezes.
No wonder we aren’t desperate to receive it. God’s blessing made Abraham a successful businessman, Joseph wiser than everybody else in Egypt, and David undefeatable in any contest. That’s the kind of blessing you need, isn’t it?Jabez didn’t ask for a Cadillac or a six-figure income. He left it to God to decide what he needed, in order to fulfil his life’s purpose. But he refused to stay where he was. So he prayed, ‘Oh that You would bless me indeed.’ Why don’t you pray that prayer today too?
The Prayer Of Jabez - Part Two
Jabez wanted more influence than he presently had. He wanted to make a mark for God. So he prayed, ‘Lord, take everything You’ve given me and multiply it!’ If he’d been a farmer, he’d have prayed, ‘Lord, give me a bumper crop!’ If he’d been a homemaker, he’d have prayed, ‘Lord, give this family impact in this community!’ If he’d been a stockbroker, he’d have prayed, ‘Lord, increase the value of my portfolio.”Is it right to ask God for more business?’ you ask. Absolutely! Listen, ‘…God…giveth thee power to get wealth…’ (Deut 8:18).
God will bless your business, so that you can underwrite His! Not only is it right to ask - He’s waiting for you to do so! God’s actually looking for those who want to do more for Him, because most of us shrink from this level of blessing.That’s because we’re working with timid faith and the wrong formula. We think, ‘My abilities + experience + personality + appearance + lucky breaks + the cooperation of others = my destiny.’ No, you’ve left God out! Here’s the right equation: ‘My weakness x God’s almightiness = more blessing, more territory, and more impact for Him.’Every miracle begins with a bold request. When you don’t take a step of faith, you don’t need God.
But when you cry, ‘Enlarge my territory,’ He provides everything you need to fulfil His purposes, and He gives you a front-row seat in a life of miracles. Today, why don’t you pray, ‘Oh that You would enlarge my territory.’
The Prayer Of Jabez - Part Three
"OH, THAT…YOUR HAND [WOULD] BE WITH ME…" 1 Chronicles 4:10 (NIV)
When God begins to bless you, your opportunities can outrun your strength, your experience, and your resources. God’s blessings can actually ‘overtake’ you (Deut 28:2). Imagine having more business than you can handle, more opportunities than you can respond to, more demands on your gift than you can fulfil.
That’s the reason Jabez prayed, ‘When I’m successful, keep me dependent on You!’ Why do you think the Bible says, ‘…if riches increase, set not your heart upon them’ (Ps 62:10). Or, ‘Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you!’ (Lk 6:26). God’s saying, ‘When you’re successful, don’t get out of balance. Keep first things first! Always lean on Me!’Big-screen heroes may not put much stock in dependence, but you and I were made for it. God’s plan has never been to make you great, but to keep you humble, and become great through you. Listen: ‘The eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His…’ (2 Chron 16:9 NAS).
God wants to be your support system! He’s not scanning the horizon for spiritual giants, He’s just looking for people He can trust with more of His blessings.Paul says, ‘…not that we think we can do anything of lasting value by ourselves. Our only power and success come from God’ (2 Cor 3:5 NLT). For us, dependence is just another word for power! That’s why you need to pray today, ‘Lord, keep Your hand on me!’
The Prayer Of Jabez - Part Four
Be careful! Success can dull your sense of dependence, and make you presumptuous. It can give you a wrong (and dangerous) view of your own strength. That’s why Jabez prayed, ‘Lord, when I’m successful, keep me from harm.’ One fourth of the Lord’s Prayer is asking for protection. David and Solomon didn’t get into trouble until they became kings. Wise up!Someone has said, ‘Danger is not being on the edge of the precipice, it’s being unwatchful there.’ Too many of us ‘blow it’ because we think we’re immune to the pitfalls that claim others. You’re no match for the devil! He approached Adam and Eve at the peak of their performance and crushed them with one conversation. Stay out of places you shouldn’t be in! Watch for things that feed your carnal nature! Refuse to walk with those who are not going God’s way!
Bruce Wilkinson tells of a Roman gladiator in big trouble. Somehow he’s dropped his sword, and the enraged lion, seeing its opportunity, is in mid-lunge, jaws wide open. In horror the gladiator tries to flee. The caption reads, ‘Sometimes you can’t afford to come in second!’The best strategy for defeating a roaring lion is to stay out of the arena. That’s why Jabez’s final request in prayer was, ‘Lord, keep me from harm.’ You need to pray that prayer today too!

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