Religion : The Way of SalvationFriday, August 11th, 2006
August 11, 2006
See the light!!! Greetings! I, a fellow servant of God bring you good tidings! I would like to inform everybody, as obvious as it is, that we are living in the last days.. we are living the last pages of the Scriptures.. the Apocalypse/Revelation. We must be aware that the enemy, the adversary, the tempter, Satan, the Devil himself is working triple time to get and pull down as many souls to hell to be part of his demonic kingdom. I suppose all of us do not want to be a part of his kingdom.. where pain and suffering are endless.. where immortal worms will consume our spiritual body and where eternal flames will burn and scourge our souls .. that is if we fall for the enemy’s trap. I wrote to you to make yourselves aware of the results of our thoughts, words, and actions. In the end.. there would only be two paths where we will bre going to .. it’s either we would finally belong to God’s holy kingdom .. or be damned forever in eternal flames with all the fallen angels and with those who were proven unworthy of eternal reward. Let me ask you one thing. Do you believe in religion? First, let us define what religion means. Religion comes from the latin words reli and gare which means way of worship or way of salvation. Do you feel secure with your religion? Do you feel that your religion makes you a better person? Does it make you grow spiritually? Does it lead you close to God? How is your relationship with god? Based from my experience, I myself had been part of different Christian sects.. and so I have come to differentiate them. I find myself lost.. why??? because these sects gave me confusion.. because they have different views, beliefs, and principles.. and why is that??? because their ways of salvation are man-made.. out of Man’s Own Opinions. So, I tell you .. these are not safe. Do you want a safe religion?.. a religion made, founded, and established by the Man-God.. the only begotten Son of God .. none other than our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who suffered and died for us .. who made the divine sacrifice .. to save man and atone for our sins. The Roman Catholic Church, which is the direct line of the religion of the early Christians.. which survived two millenia .. with which the earthly head is the Pope.. the direct descendant of religious rulership handed down from the first Pope, Saint Peter the Apostle.. with whom the keys of heaven were given to by Jesus Christ Himself.. with which the Son of God promised that neither hell nor Hades shall not prevail over it. It is written.. "But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to that which we preached to you, let him be anathema." Anathema means accursed or damned!!! Do not believe in anyone who preaches!!! Watch out for false prophets!!! Learn how to discern!!! As your brother in Christ, I tell you.. Watch out!!! I assure you.. The One True Church Is The Holy and Apostolic Church ~~~ The Roman Catholic Church!!! In this Church, I assure you that all the doctrines are sound and infallible!!! The sacraments here, instituted by Christ Himslef, are complete. Choose wisely your religion ~ I assure you the safest way of salvation is through The Holy Catholic Church!!! You will not regret it!!! I assure you of eternal reward!!! ..if you follow and observe the beliefs, traditions, and the laws, rules anbd regulations of the Catholic faith. Faith alone does not always save!!! Faith without works is dead!!! Faith must come along with works. Faith, good deeds, a holy life, a good relationship with God, observance of the Sacraments, observance of The Commandments of God, abstaining from sin, and having the one true religion will increase your chance to enter the gates of heaven and be God’s children forever!!! Remember the teachings of The Good Shepherd Jesus Christ: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength." "Love thy neighbour as thou hast loved thyself!" "Love your enemies!!!" "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." "Love one another as I have loved you." "Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things shall be yours as well." Pope John Paul II reminds us in the Vatican Council to pray to Saint Michael the Archangel for protection against Satan and his minions. Prayer To Saint Michael The Archangel Saint Michael the Archangel , defend us in battle. Protect us from the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits who want to lead souls into hell. AMEN. Do These Out Of Love Of God: Go to mass as often as you could. Hearing mass everyday is very pleasing to God. Pray to God as often as you wish. Pray the rosary very often. Have confessions to the priest every week for the cleansing of your sins. Receive Holy Communion as often as you could after having received Penance (after having confession). Never forget to hear Mass on Sundays.. it is your obligation to God. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "L E T U S A L L B E H O L Y F O R G O D O U R F A T H E R I S H O L Y ! ! ! G l o r y t o t h e F a t h e r , t o t h e S o n , a n d t o t h e H o l y S p i r i t . A M E N . May The Infinite Blessings And Graces of The Almighty God be showered upon You, His beloved Children!!! Peace Be To You.
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